Thursday, December 22, 2011

Is it important to believe in the existence of heaven?

We can perceive "Heaven" in two ways. As a destination of peace, harmony and love available to us when we leave this earthly plane. We can also perceive heaven as a state of existence on this earthly plane that is characterized as one of peace harmony and love. Heaven is a state of mind, whether on earth or in the hereafter that comes about as a result of our thoughts. When we align our thoughts with the thinking of the great spiritual masters we automatically receive the benefits of a heavenly state.

The universal principle of cause and effect states the nature of any cause is found in its effect. If love is the cause of your thoughts, words and actions, love is going to be the effect. The same holds true for hate, resentment and conflict, which create an uncomfortable condition in our lives often referred to as hell. Each of us individually creates the emotional state of our existence.

We have the free-will to chose the thoughts, words and actions we express. By choosing to express peace, harmony and love we create situations in our lives that are of "heaven".   You are responsible for the conditions of your life. So, the next time you are feeling greatly disturbed, hateful, in conflict or out of harmony ask yourself, "What IN hell, am I doing."       

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Can we worry God too much with our little problems?

I don't believe God worries but rather I see God as a worry eliminator. Just as the mighty force of water from a fire hose can extinguish the greatest flame, the mighty faith within each of us can extinguish every doubt, worry, fear or anxiety when we turn it over to our higher power and trust in the divine order of life.

There are two kinds of problems in this world.The ones we can do something about and the ones we can't do anything about.

If we are powerless to change the situations or circumstances of a problem, challenge, setback or loss we have no other choice but to adapt to it.This often calls on us to change our thoughts, feelings, attitudes and perceptions about what has taken place or what might happen in the future.

In our prayers rather than beseeching God to "take this cup of suffering from me", we can use affirmative prayers such as: I now let go of any thoughts that hamper my peace of mind and affirm that I have everything I need to move through this difficult time and establish a sense of serenity in my life.  

If we can do something about a problem or challenge we face, then we need to draw on our resources and initiate action. Pronto! 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Should religion attempt to control people's behavior?

The various levels of government in this country provide us with 150,000 new laws and 2,000,000 new regulations (each year) all of which attempt to control the behavior of the people of the United States of America.  

Why would anybody want to engage in a religion that tried to control them even more. It appears to me that throughout history, religion has been woefully mistaken in its primary purpose. Religion is not meant to impose rules and regulations on people but rather propose higher insights that lead to a more  successful life. Religion is not meant to overpower the individual's will but rather empower an individual to take control of his/her life and express a higher potential.  

Lastly, religion is not meant to issue ultimatums, bordering on threats, of what will happen to someone in the afterlife if they don't subscribe to and abide by church doctrine in this life.  

None of those things move us closer to God. We are not sinners; we are not unworthy in the eyes of God; we don't need to be put down but rather we need to be lifted up.  Religions that attempt to control our lives put us in a cage with crumbs to eat. Let us out, and we will soar to new heights where we will find a new life and and a new connection with God that has been unimagined.

Monday, July 11, 2011

What question should I ask in seeking a spiritual home?

Imagine for a moment you came face to face with God and posed the question of what you should look for in choosing a spiritual home. God might say: All people come forth from one source, all people are one in spirit.

Therefore look for a spiritual home that honors the diversity of the earth and holds all beings equal whether it is between woman and man; Christian, Muslim or Jew; homosexual and heterosexual;  black or white, Asian, Hispanic or Native American. 
Just as God has no prejudices or discriminations towards any person, an institution which is intended to bring people closer to God, should have none either.

Secondly, God might say: choose a spiritual home that empowers you not overpowers you. One that supports you in living the life your heart desires and not one that depreciates your individual value by insisting you are a sinner, unworthy in the eyes of God and then shellacking you with guilt and shame.

Lastly, God might say find a spiritual home that instills within you a strong sense of peace and harmony and encourages the congregation to join together collectively to increase the peace and harmony in the world.

You have a strong mind and a wise inner source of direction. You will know when you are in the right place. 

Monday, May 16, 2011

Is there life after death?

I understand that religion involves faith, but is there any sort of proof that there is life beyond this physical existence when we die?
Fundamental religions believe when we die, a day of judgement determines our destination of heavenly bliss or hellish torture. Eastern religions believe when we die a decision can be made to reincarnate in another earthly existence. Psychics believe they receive messages from those who have departed  implying there is life after death.  All of the above rely on faith to feel secure in the belief.  As of late, a bridge is being built between science and spirituality. 
Quantum physicists have concluded that the universe is made up of an everywhere present energy. For example, sub-atomic particles, the very building blocks of our existence, are pure, invisible energy.  The spiritualist refers to this as the spirit of God which is the essence of our being.  The quantum physicist has concluded that this energy does not dissipate or cease to be.  The spiritualist sees this energy (spirit) as the soul which takes on the body to exist on the physical plane of being and then moves beyond it when the body is laid down.  The advancement of science and the evolution of spiritual thought has brought us to the point where we can declare with certainty that God spirit (by any other name is still God Spirit) is within us providing for us what is needed to maintain our eternal individuality and experience our oneness with God..

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Is it important to believe in the existence of heaven?

We can perceive "Heaven" in two ways. As a destination of peace, harmony and love available to us when we leave this earthly plane.

We can also perceive heaven as a state of existence on this earthly plane that is characterized as one of peace harmony and love. Heaven is a state of mind, whether on earth or in the hereafter that comes about as a result of our thoughts. When we align our thoughts with the thinking of the great spiritual masters we automatically receive the benefits of a heavenly state.
The universal principle of cause and effect states the nature of any cause is found in its effect.  If love is the cause of your thoughts, words and actions, love is going to be the effect.  The same holds true for hate, resentment and conflict, which create an uncomfortable condition in our lives  often referred to as hell.  Each of us individually creates the emotional state of our existence.

We have the free-will to chose the thoughts, words and actions we express.  By choosing to express peace, harmony and love we create situations in our lives that are of "heaven".   You are responsible for the conditions of your life.  So, the next time you are feeling greatly disturbed, hateful, in conflict or out of harmony ask yourself,  "What IN hell, am I doing." 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Power of God and Prayer

God is Spirit. Spirit is the very essence of your being. It is your life energy. It permeates every atom of your body and mind.  The spirit within you provides to you a deep inner wisdom,  emotional strength,  unlimited love,  the power to imagine what it is you want in your life,  the creative ability to manifest it and a higher level of spiritual consciousness.  When we pray, we calm ourselves, open up to this higher level of consciousness and communicate directly with God.  In this quiet place we are given  the answers to our problems and the way to move beyond our challenges.

The most effective form of prayer is affirmative prayer.  With petitionary prayer we “ask” God for something.  With affirmative prayer we thank God for already providing us with what we need such as, “Thank you God for the wisdom you have given me. I now wait patiently for the answer I seek.”  or  “Thank you God for the inner strength you have given me. I affirm that strength and know I will make it through this difficult time.”  When we pray in this manner there is indeed a psychological benefit--tension and stress can be relieved--but more important than that, we free ourselves from thinking we are separate from God and helpless over our state of affairs. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

To Be Reborn

In the book of Matthew, Jesus says, “Surely I tell you, no one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless that person is born again.”  What did he mean by that?   Certainly, he didn’t literally mean a physical rebirth, but to be reborn into a higher consciousness.  He was talking about moving to a new way of thinking and perceiving the world around us, a way of seeing ourselves and the world beyond fear, conflict and other negative thoughts.

As you read these words, make them your own:

I am a student of life, and each day is a divine journey.
I am not stuck in difficult challenges or defeated by trying problems.
I am able to overcome any obstacle with the limitless wisdom and peace that is innately within me.
Today, I am born anew and move beyond attitudes of the past that have held me back from my higher good.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How do I lead a meaningful life?

As the minister at Unity Temple on the Plaza, I have on several occasions sat on the bedside of a person who is very close to dying. The most difficult transitions are when the dying person is looking back on his/her life in a regretful way. They regret things they did; they regret things they didn't do; and they regret not fully living their lives to their heart's desire.

Each of us has the freedom to live our lives the way we choose as long as we don't violate the God given rights of another person to do the same. The first point of a meaningful life is to reach the end without regrets.

The second point of a meaningful life is to live in a way in which your presence is beneficial to the earth and its inhabitants. It is a very comforting thought to know that somehow, some way you make a positive difference. Your life counts for something good. You matter.

The third point of a meaningful life is to continually grow in knowledge, wisdom and conscious awareness. Each of us has a vast, unlimited mental, emotional and spiritual potential and nothing can bring the satisfaction, meaning and fulfillment that comes from the self becoming more than it has ever been before. "Learn as if you'll live forever; live as if you'll die tomorrow!"