Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It feels good to do good

A woman and her five-year-old boy lived in a house overlooking a valley. One day the little boy became so angry at his mother that he ran out of the house and yelled into the valley, "I hate you!" Immediately, the echo of what he had yelled came back to the little boy, and he thought somebody was yelling "I hate you" to him. This scared the little boy, and he ran inside to tell his mother there was a mean person out there yelling at him. The mother knew what happened, so she told the little boy to go outside and yell, "I love you!". When the little body did this, a voice came back to him saying, "I love you!"

This story is simple but the point is profound for it illustrates an immutable principle of nature call the Law of Cause and Effect. That which we cause to happen comes back to effect us in the same way. Jesus said, "Whatever a person sows, that is also what the person will reap." Confucius said, "Whatever proceeds from you will return to you." Jewish text states, "A liberal man will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered. In Buddhism and Hinduism, it is called karma. Every major religion has a variation of this law as one of its foundational principles. Whatever you express into the world is what you will get back. Express anger, hatred, ill will or offensive acts to another, and that is what will return to you. Express love, kindness, compassion and good deeds, and that is what will return to you. It feels good to do good. It feels bad to do bad. Determine how you want to feel, then treat others in an identical way.

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