Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Power of Belief

The world is blessed with hundreds of thousands of buildings which are magnificent in style. From the grand cathedrals of Italy to the Taj Mahal, various palaces and the incredible skyscrapers of New York City there are buildings that are awe inspiring. Every one of those structures began as a vision in the architect’s mind. Every material thing you can think of was at one time nothing more than an idea, a tiny spark of an idea, held within the mind of an individual who believed he or she could manifest that idea into physical reality.

Every one of us has the God-given ability to create within our minds, images, ideas and visions that have the potential to manifest into physical reality. All we have to do is believe. What is it you want out of life? Are there things you would like to improve in your relationships, physical health, emotional well-being or self-image? Imagine already having what it is you want. Experience the joy of it in your mind. When you make it real in your mind, the mind becomes a goal seeking device that will guide you and direct you in ways that will make what you want real in the outer world.

"When you pray, whatever it is you want, pray in a way in which you believe you have already received it and it will be yours".” Jesus Christ

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