Friday, December 28, 2012

How can your faith help you know yourself?

There is more to each of us than we realize. The greater part of our minds have not been utilized; our potential to experience more peace, love, harmony and well being has not been discovered; our skill levels in any given area can be increased.   

Most of us exercise our potential for successful living to the point where life is tolerable. It isn't great or ideal. We have adapted to life's roller coaster of ups and downs.  What if you had the potential to make the "up" times of life even higher & longer lasting and the "down" times of life shorter and not so long in duration?

Well, you can. You have that potential. The primary obstacles holding us back from growing and utilizing our higher potential is fear. Fear of failure. Fear of what others will think when we do fail. Fear of discovering we don't have a higher potential. This is where faith comes in.

The willingness to step into the unknown, to explore new territory of being, to being okay not knowing how to get to the desired destination but willing to take the first step and have faith that as we do the next step will be shown to us.   

There is no physical evidence of your untapped higher potential. Faith is knowing it's there. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Can there ever be Peace on Earth?

Throughout the evolution of human thought, there have been four rules of conduct and all four rules are active today.  

The first is referred to as the Brass Rule, also known as the "brazen rule" because it states "Do what is good for you and disregard the effect it has on others."  

The second rule is the Iron Rule, which states "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Do to others what they do to you."  

The third rule is known as the Silver Rule, and it states "Don't do to others what you don't want done to yourself".

The fourth rule is pro-active and provides, more than any of the others, hope for a peaceful planet earth.  It states, "Treat other people the way you want to be treated regardless of how they treat you."  

When the majority of human beings learn this, understand this and practice this, we will be a species of compassion that will evolve beyond any action outside this rule.  Peace is a state of mind, a way of thinking that resides in the mind of every person.  

When we as a species choose to dwell in this state and act from it, the earth will burst forth from a battle field to a place of joy and peace.

I feel it is the responsibility of the people in the most powerful country in the world, to step up to the line and lead the way--let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.  

Thursday, August 2, 2012

How does one keep from losing hope?

Hope is nothing more or nothing less than a thought that is infused with an optimistic emotion. Hope exists in our mind, it is a power within us. It never dwindles, it never dries up; it is never out of reach. It only appears to be absent when we choose to think thoughts of an opposite nature.   
The thoughts we think may be hopeful or hopeless. When we commit to beliefs that we can do something; that we can make it through a difficult time; that we can realize our hearts desire, we experience hope.  

When we commit to thoughts that are of a despairing nature, we experience hopelessness and expect the worst to happen. So the question arises, who determines the thoughts we think?

Each of us is the ultimate authority of the thoughts we think and the feelings we have. When we take full responsibility for our outlook on life and the frame of mind we are in, we draw on our inner power to direct our thoughts.

The thoughts you are thinking this very moment are creating your present emotional reality and at the same time putting in place the stepping stones that will lead to your future emotional reality.  

Think about it for a moment, your thoughts are your reality. Good, bad, happy, sad, hopeful, hopeless.....the choice is yours.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How do I know what is the true religion?

There are two basic ways for you to know what is the true religion.  

The first is to let another or others tell you. In most cases their response will be "my" religion is the only true religion".   Support for their dogmatic assertion will come in the form of fear-based notions which purport that you are a sinner, you will never get to heaven, and the only way for you to be "saved" is by following the doctrines and creeds of their religion. The list of persuasions go on and on. The more a person, religion or pronouncement holds to the arrogant position of proclaiming they are "the only true one", the greater the proof is that they aren't.

The second way for you to know what is the true religion is to personalize it and do research to discover what the true religion is "for you".  Read the statement of beliefs; acquaint yourself with the history;   determine whether the theology inspires you, empowers you and resonates with your deepest beliefs. Your spiritual path should be one that you are impassioned by, not one that imprisons you. It should be one that continually moves you to higher levels of joy, love, peace of mind and harmony.   Seek and you will find the spiritual source that is best for you. The one that truly supports your greatest happiness and highest good.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

How can your faith help you to know yourself?

There is more to each of us than we realize. The greater part of our minds have not been utilized; our potential to experience more peace, love, harmony and well being has not been discovered; our skill levels in any given area can be increased.

Most of us exercise our potential for successful living to the point where life is tolerable. It isn't great or ideal. We have adapted to life's roller coaster of ups and downs.  What if you had the potential to make the "up" times of life even higher and longer lasting and the "down" times of life shorter and not so long in duration. Well, you can.

You have that potential. The primary obstacles holding us back from growing and utilizing our higher potential is fear. Fear of failure, fear of what others will think when we do fail, fear of discovering we don't have a higher potential. This is where faith comes in:  the willingness to step into the unknown, to explore new territory of being, to being okay not knowing how to get to the desired destination but willing to take the first step and have faith that as we do the next step will be shown to us.

There is no physical evidence of your untapped higher potential. Faith is knowing it's there.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Do religions hold their followers to high enough standards?

Historically, religions have failed miserably at attempting to hold people to standards that were unrealistic, unreasonable and which the leaders themselves couldn't live up to.

Jesus was crucified because he called the religious leaders of the day on their hypocrisy. In the Book of Matthew 23:327 Jesus states to the Pharisees and Teachers of the Law: "You hypocrites! You are like white washed tombs which look fine on the outside but are full of decaying bones on the inside. In the same way on the outside you appear good to everybody, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and sins."

The same point could easily be made today. There are priests, rabbis and ministers in all religions who put forth dogmatic assertions and impositions that they themselves don't follow then shellac others with guilt, shame and threats of doom in the after life for not living up to their religious laws. Many of these "man-made" religious laws are of no significance when it comes to one's goodness and moral character, but rather are simply veiled attempts to maintain a sense of power over people and keep them in subservient positions.

Religion's purpose is to present a loving, peaceful, harmonious way to live, not harshly judge others and spew out potential penalties if they don't agree with another's actions.

There are literally thousands of religious laws, rules and regulations on the books but if one treats others the way he/she wants to be treated a good life is being lived.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

How does one keeping from losing Hope?

Hope is nothing more or nothing less than a thought that is infused with an optimistic emotion. Hope exists in our mind, it is a power within us. It never dwindles, it never dries up; it is never out of reach. It only appears to be absent when we choose to think thoughts of an opposite nature.     

The thoughts we think may be hopeful or hopeless. When we commit to beliefs that we can do something; that we can make it through a difficult time; that we can realize our hearts desire we experience hope. When we commit to thoughts that are of a despairing nature we experience hopelessness and expect the worst to happen.  

So the question arises, who determines the thoughts we think? Each of us is the ultimate authority of the thoughts we think and the feelings we have. When we take full responsibility for our outlook on life and the frame of mind we are in, we draw on our inner power to direct our thoughts.

The thoughts you are thinking this very moment are creating your present emotional reality and at the same time putting in place the stepping stones that will lead to your future emotional reality. Think about it for a moment, your thoughts are your reality. Good, bad, happy, sad, hopeful, hopeless...the choice is yours.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

If we get what God wants us to have, why ask?

I believe God wants us to have peace of mind, the strongest desire we have; God wants us to be in harmony, our most natural state; and God wants us to be in a continual cycle of giving and receiving love, the greatest experience we can have on this earth.  

God wants us to have these things because that is what God is. Not an old man with long white beard sitting on a throne somewhere in the far reaches of the universe eager to punish us if we do wrong. God is Life.   

The three primary characteristics that assure the continuation of Life on Earth are peace, harmony and love and every person born into this world has the unlimited potential to express these three attributes.

We have free will to choose how we want to live our lives but at times we make the wrong choices. In a fit of anger we choose conflict instead of peace. Prejudices, discrimination and harsh judgments lead us into disharmony with others. And there are times when we choose not to love. We "have" what God wants us to have. Peace, harmony and love are the very essence of our being, we never have to ask for them.

But we don't always get what God wants us to have because we choose otherwise.