Thursday, March 19, 2009



Duke Tufty


We pray in the name of God,

The one all pervading  spirit in whom

We live and move and have our being.

We pray that we may open our minds

To the new vision of World peace

To the health and well being of all people

To the dissolution of all conditions that may separate us.

We pray that we may deepen our understanding of nature,

Radiate our compassion  to all of life

And realize our oneness with the natural world.

We pray that we may restore the Earth

To a pristine wellness so  it can thrive

As our source of wellness and prosperity.

We pray that each of us may  be

A beneficial presence to our World

By adding to it our peace, love and harmony.




I pray in the name of God,

The one all pervading spirit in whom

I live and move and have my being.

I prayer that I may open my mind

To a new vision of World peace;

To the health and well being of all people;

To the dissolution of all conditions

 that separate me from another.

I pray that I may deepen my understanding of nature,

Radiate compassion to all of life

And realize my oneness with the natural world.

I pray that I may do what I can to restore the Earth

To a pristine wellness so it can thrive

As my  source of wellness and prosperity.

I pray that I may be

A beneficial presence to the world

By adding to it my peace, love and harmony.